Sunday, October 21, 2012

We're Back!

I know, I know, I am beyond behind in updating the blog! I started graduate school this summer and have been so swamped, I have pushed the blog to the side. But no more! I will try to write weekly to keep you updated on the fun things going on in first grade! For starters, here is a little tour of our frog-tastic first grade classroom!

These are our Book Boxes. The kiddos keep their library books, leveled readers and poetry folders in their box. We use these during our "Read to Self" portion of Daily 5 centers. The rotations in Daily 5 are: Read to self- where the student practices reading by them self. Word Work- during this portion students sort, read and write their spelling sorts. Listen to reading- Students listen to stories read to them on the computer. Work on Writing- students get to choose a topic to write about in their journals. They use resources like our sight word wall, word family wall, phonics wall and their spelling dictionaries to help them sound out words. They also get to draw a picture, then share their writing with the class. 

This is our behavior clip chart. Students all begin each day on green, and can move up or down according to their choices. They always have the opportunity to turn their day around and move up their clip. 

We are Bucket Fillers in our first grade classroom! We learned at the beginning of the year that everyone in the world has an invisible bucket that they carry around with them. We fill buckets when we say and do nice things. We dip from buckets when we say or do mean things. The kids get a chance to write nice bucket filler notes to one another and share how their bucket was filled. We also have a Bucket Filler of the week that highlights our awesome students!

Our Classroom Rules that we recite every morning.
Rule #1 Follow Directions quickly.
Rule #2 Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Rule #3 Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.
Rule #4 Make smart choices.
Rule #5 Keep your dear teacher happy! =)

This is our growing Library! There are pillow areas, froggie reading buddies and lots of awesome books to enjoy during open reading times!

This is our word family wall. We do word family spelling sorts every week and these are some of these words we have come up with for each word family! You can also see our computer station. 

Writing Center! The kids love this part of the room! There are journals, papers, pencils and lots of helpful posters that remind students the important things to remember while working on writing. 

BUILD Math Centers are the math version of Daily 5. B stands for "Buddy Games" U stands for "Using Manipulatives" I stands for "Independent Reading" L stands for "Learning about Numbers" and D stands for "Doing Math."

So that's our room! Hope you enjoyed the tour!

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